Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Ups and Downs

Another spate of birthdays - Tom, Simon, me. I am beginning to see why people stop counting! I remember Dad at this age and never imagining I would get there. But the great truism really is true - I don't feel any different from when I was 21 - creakier, a little intellectually slower, and less stressed by worries of career etc by no difference of consciousness.

Julia continues the ups and downs. The school boys ski team won GBSSAs and so are going forward to the Provincial Finals at OFSSA next week. Julia has gotten through as an individual so next week we all decamp to Collingwood, OFSAA is fun.

The Hershey team won their semi-final - let's be accurate, they crushed the opposition. Julia had the fastest single run but missed a gate on the second run!! All very exciting.

Meanwhile she achieved an 84% average last term including an 86 in the dreaded Grade 10 Math - despite missing a third of the classes at least. So we have another straight A student! Wow!!

On my business, we have had a good couple of weeks visiting the people who attended our first session. All so far are interested in something - but everything takes time. We now have a second course - an action learning coaches course - that we will pilot in early May. We run the revised first course again in April.

Isabel was sucked into the club gala again - doing brilliant decorations with a celtic theme - kilts and swords. The party was a great success though I am told that the wine sales were down because all the Hershey team parents had to get up at 5.30 to drive to Milton. Bad timing!!


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