Mid January: Cold, Deaths, Travel, and Skiis
The temperature has dropped dramatically to minus 30C with a wind chill of -45C. We are seriously digging into the woodpile. Tyler meanwhile insists on going for walks regardless of the temperature - if you don't take him he runs off! Unfortunately, he is getting cranky and has taken to attacking bigger dogs!
The Town is in mourning for three girls from the Hiigh School who were killed in a car accident on H60. Two of them were sisters - the children of Henrietta's Bakery - just awful. The kids at the High School who knew them are of course devastated. They apparently skidded on black ice and went head-on into an on-coming SUV.
Julia's ski season has started and she is having success as the following from the Huntsville Forrester shows
Ski team starts year with win
The Hidden Valley Hershey Alpine team began its racing season at Devil’s Elbow on Sunday, January 16, facing off against Devil’s Elbow’s blue team and coming home victorious with a 191-187 win.
Veterans Zach Schnurr and Steven Groh were second and third, followed closely by Leigh Cameron in fifth and Patrick Hohman in sixth. Julia Kay had an exceptional day, capturing first place for the girls and recording the fastest time of the day for the girls. Erin Harper placed fourth and Tara Witt was fifth. Anne Rawn, Rachel Sinclair, Geneva Sucanek, Kyle Litchfield, Alan Rawn and Dillon Schnurr all contributed to the team’s first win of the year.
In the High School races so far she has come 2nd and 3rd. This was behind last year's (now Grade 12) OFSAA winner and an international level skier. Pretty good! But she has family competition - Kim came 1st in our local area and 3rd at OFSAA - but Julia has time
Basketball has changed somewhat. The old coach has retired and we have a new young woman coach. She has lots to learn but the kids are having a ball - they laugh and smile and seem to be enjoying the games. Something we haven't seen before!
Isabel needless to say spends her life on the road at ski meets and basketball - though she has her first bookings beginning to appear for the B&B - as far out as September
I, meanwhile, have my first public workshop for our new business on February 2-3. Simply putting it together has focused our minds wonderfully
We have been in the travel business. We have just booked Kim and Tom on trips to Florida for a week of sun, golf and fishing. Julia however has been booked on a trip to Europe. She is going to spend the summer with Dave & Bobbie in Switzerland and the UK. Wow!
Kim has taken on a new job, working on the cash at the local No Frills Supermarket.